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TEDX; No Health Without Mental Health - Ego Based Fear, Hatred, Projection - How They Are Embedded Inside Of Religion, Military, Mass Media, Guns, CIA, Nuclear Industry And More; Part Of The Unconscious Denial Process Involved With Greed, Anxiety, PTSD, Fear And Grief Around Trauma, Loss

TEDX; No Health Without Mental Health - Ego Based Fear, Hatred, Projection - How They Are Embedded Inside Of Religion, Military, Mass Media, Guns, CIA, Nuclear Industry And More; Part Of The Unconscious Denial Process Involved With Greed, Anxiety, PTSD, Fear And Grief Around Trauma, Loss

This articles goes into projection and how it appears in the world both personally, via mental health, in groups, in business, in war, religions, and more. Projection is a mental health issue that everyone needs to understand and know more about. Projection and what is underneath it, is a root cause of violence, war, racism, sexism, xenophobia, environmental destruction, mass media censorship, denialism, normalcy bias, sociopathy and killing. 

How does projection work in a very general way?

Source/credit; Coup Media Group

Fear, anxiety and dread easily leads to anger

Repressed anger leads to hatred

Internalized hatred leads to projection

Projection leads to suffering both internally and externally

Let's go deeper into the suffering caused by anxiety, worry, fear, panic, projection and stress.


Everyone has a dark side and a light side within themselves. By denying the dark side and avoiding or suppressing all dark thoughts/emotions, denial and projection take over in that person. In the same way, focusing and feeding only the dark wolf also results in negative consequences. 

Many people are stuck in denial and projection. This article may serve to assist a person in starting on the journey of healing and moving past denial, projection and all of the consequences that result from this. Always seek out mental health counseling for any mental health problem. 

The Futility of Egoic Reaction & Navigating Our Awakening
VIDEO:  24 min

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Anxiety, Stress, Worry, Fear, Depression; They Shrink The World Down And Tighten Into A Vice Grip, Self Fulfilling Negative Prophecy Leads To Mental Illness, Phobias, Delusion, Diseases, Self Destruction, And Global Armageddon


Via Boycott Mainstream Media

Turn it off!

art by Recycled Propaganda

Once the trauma, fear and (self) hatred is internalized and then set in 'concrete' it is then projected outwards, against a perceived 'other'. The other can be a wide variety of feared and/or hated people, organizations, ideas, beliefs, etc.. 

Suppressed and hidden self hatred and fears are delivered and projected via hate speech. which is a very powerful force, able to start wars that end up in genocide.


Go deeper

Hate Speech Laws Internationally, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Hate Speech Rules On Internet, Hate Speech Laws By Country; Does Hate Speech Deserve To Be Protected As A 'Right'?


Fear/hatred can be projected out of fake belief, otherwise known as a conspiracy theory. A popular conspiracy theory these days is the belief that global warming and climate change don't exist and/or are not human caused. 

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President Trump, CNN, Fox News Deny Climate Change, Promote Marc Morano/Climate Depot, Encourage Nasty Emails To Scientists, Promote Hormesis Theory, Fascist Corporate Control Of Government, Exxon Knew Of Global Warming Decades Ago


When something is hated/feared, the general response via projection is to wage a 'war' against it. There is little or no attempt to get to root causes, understanding, empathy or intellectual analysis. Fake news has a large element of fear/anger/hatred built into it, along with fake conspiracy theories that are not backed up by evidence or data. More commonly, the evidence or data is made up, and cannot be supported if it is investigated.

Go deeper

Fake News, Breitbart, Fox News And Mass Media Analyzed; Hate Speech Compared To Journalistic Ethics, Andrew Breitbart Confesses He Is A Fraud; Differences Between Propaganda, Hoax, Satire, Facts, And Truth


Currently, fear and hatred is targeted against 'terrorists', despite this being a very minor threat, compared to many others. 

Go deeper

3 People Killed By Terrorists? Go All Out, Problem Solved! 30,000 Murdered Per Year? Do NOTHING! Loopholes as Big As Mack Trucks Allow Serial Mass Murderers And 2000 Known Terrorists To Buy Ghost Guns In USA


Many other wars are being waged against fear/hate targets, which are mostly based on fake news, fake science, and projection. 

Why is there always plenty of money for never ending wars, but there is never enough for peoples real needs? 

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The War on Cancer, The War on Drugs, The Global War Against Terror, Nature, The War on Poverty/Hunger And War On Communism Have All Been Lost, Can Never Be Won; Complete Waste Of Time, Money And Energy


Ted Talks discusses mental health issues generally.

No Health Without Mental Health: Denny Morrison at TEDxBloomington
VIDEO: 10 min.

There is a HUGE stigma around mental health illnesses and issues. We have all been depressed, anxious, stressed out, or fearful. But major mental health issues are like heart attacks, as they need professional intervention. If you have a serious mental illness, you will more than likely die much earlier than someone who does not have this illness, as a major mental illness is usually also related to a major physical health issue. 

Many people believe drugs are the answer for all mental and/or emotional health issues, such as anxiety for example. Cognitive behaviour therapy, also known as 'talk therapy' is superior to drugs, when it comes to the less serious mental health issues, such as anxiety, according to studies. Talk therapy can also help a person through a mental issue such as projection, which is detailed below. 

There should not be a stigma attached to mental health issues or diseases, as mental health issues are no different from physical health issues.


The phenomena of transference and projection, although solidly accepted in the analytical and psychodynamic schools of psychology in which they originated, are nevertheless complex and often misunderstood concepts. Yet some claim that projection is the single most important phenomenon in psychotherapy. 

In this video, Richard Hill helps you understand what transference and projection are, how they develop in a therapeutic relationship, and what forms they tend to take, so that you can recognize them as they occur in your therapy rooms and in your life. 

Transference and Projection
About the lecturer: 

Richard Hill (MBMSc, BA (Linguistics), DipProfCouns, MA (Social Ecology), MEd, DPC) is a psychotherapist at the Davis Health Centre in Sydney (Australia) and director of the MindScience Institute ( 

Richard is also a writer and regular speaker at mental health conferences in Australia and around the world."
Source; description under video


Wikipedia; "Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in themselves, while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude.

According to some research, the projection of one's negative qualities onto others is a common process in everyday life.[2]

Historical precursors

A prominent precursor in the formulation of the projection principle was Giambattista Vico [3][4](23 June 1668 – 23 January 1744), and an early formulation of it is found in ancient Greek writer Xenophanes (c.c. 570 – c. 475 BC), which observed that "the gods of Ethiopians were inevitably black with flat noses while those of the Thracians were blond with blue eyes." In 1841, Ludwig Feuerbach (July 28, 1804 – September 13, 1872), was the first to employ this concept as the basis for a systematic critique of religion.[5][6][7][8]

Psychoanalytic developments

Projection was conceptualised by Freud in his letters to Wilhelm Fliess,[9] and further refined byKarl Abraham and Anna Freud. Freud considered that in projection thoughts, motivations, desires, and feelings that cannot be accepted as one's own are dealt with by being placed in the outside world and attributed to someone else.[10] What the ego repudiates is split off and placed in another.[11]

Freud would later come to believe that projection did not take place arbitrarily, but rather seized on and exaggerated an element that already existed on a small scale in the other person.[12](The related defence of projective identification differs from projection in that there the other person is expected to become identified with the impulse or desire projected outside,[13] so that the self maintains a connection with what is projected, in contrast to the total repudiation of projection proper.)[14]

Melanie Klein saw the projection of good parts of the self as leading potentially to over-idealisation of the object.[15] Equally, it may be one's conscience that is projected, in an attempt to escape its control: a more benign version of this allows one to come to terms with outside authority.[16]


Projection tends to come to the fore in normal people at times of crisis, personal or political,[17]but is more commonly found in the neurotic or psychotic[18]—in personalities functioning at a primitive level as in narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder.[19]

Carl Jung considered that the unacceptable parts of the personality represented by the Shadowarchetype were particularly likely to give rise to projection, both small-scale and on a national/international basis.[20] Marie-Louise Von Franz extended his view of projection, stating that: "... wherever known reality stops, where we touch the unknown, there we project an archetypal image".[21]

Psychological projection is one of the medical explanations of bewitchment used to explain the behavior of the afflicted children at Salem in 1692. The historian John Demos asserts that the symptoms of bewitchment experienced by the afflicted girls were due to the girls undergoing psychological projection of repressed aggression.[22]


Projection of marital guilt: Thoughts of infidelity to a partner may be unconsciously projected in self-defence on to the partner in question, so that the guilt attached to the thoughts can be repudiated or turned to blame instead, in a process linked to denial.[23]

Bullying: A bully may project his/her own feelings of vulnerability onto the target(s) of the bullying activity. Despite the fact that a bully's typically denigrating activities are aimed at the bully's targets, the true source of such negativity is ultimately almost always found in the bully's own sense of personal insecurity and/or vulnerability.[24] 

International And/or Interersonal Relationships; Such aggressive projections of displaced negative emotions can occur anywhere from the micro-level of interpersonal relationships, all the way up through to the macro-level of international politics, or even international armed conflict.[20]

Projection of general guilt: Projection of a severe conscience[25] is another form of defence, one which may be linked to the making of false accusations, personal or political.[20]

Projection of hope: Also, in a more positive light, a patient may sometimes project his or her feelings of hope onto the therapist.[26]


Defence mechanisms may result in healthy or unhealthy consequences depending on the circumstances and frequency the mechanism is used.[4] In Freudian psychoanalytic theory, defence mechanisms are psychological strategies brought into play by the unconscious mind[5] to manipulate, deny, or distort reality in order to defend against feelings of anxiety and unacceptable impulses to maintain one's self schema.[6] 

These processes that manipulate, deny, or distort reality may include the following: repression, or the burying of a painful feeling or thought from one's awareness even though it may resurface in a symbolic form;[4] identification, incorporating an object or thought into oneself;[7]and rationalization, the justification of one's behavior and motivations by substituting "good" acceptable reasons for the motivations.[4][8] Generally, repression is considered the basis for other defense mechanisms.[4]

Healthy persons normally use different defences throughout life. An ego defence mechanism becomes pathological only when its persistent use leads to maladaptive behaviour such that the physical or mental health of the individual is adversely affected. The purpose of ego defence mechanisms is to protect the mind/self/ego from anxiety and/or social sanctions and/or to provide a refuge from a situation with which one cannot currently cope.[9] 


One resource used to evaluate these mechanisms is the Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-40).[10][11]

Defense mechanisms are distinct from coping strategies in that the former are largely unconscious mechanisms which are activated in times of anxiety, stress and distress without any choice or conscious intentionality, while the latter are conscious strategies that are chosen in calm emotional states. Coping thus involves flexibility and defenses are more rigid, distort logistics, are unstoppable and their goal is to reduce anxiety not to solve the source of the anxiety.

Definitions of individual psyche structures

Freud proposed three structures of the psyche or personality:

Id: The id is the unconscious reservoir of the libido, the psychic energy that fuels instincts and psychic processes. It is a selfish, childish, pleasure-oriented part of the personality with no ability to delay gratification.

Superego: The superego contains internalised societal and parental standards of "good" and "bad", "right" and "wrong" behaviour. They include conscious appreciations of rules and regulations as well as those incorporated unconsciously.

Ego: The ego acts as a moderator between the pleasure sought by the id and the morals of the superego, seeking compromises to pacify both. It can be viewed as the individual's "sense of time and place".

Primary and secondary processes

In the ego, there are two ongoing processes. First there is the unconscious primary process, where the thoughts are not organised in a coherent way, the feelings can shift, contradictions are not in conflict or are just not perceived that way, and condensations arise. 

There is no logic and no time line. Lust is important for this process. By contrast, there is the conscious secondary process, where strong boundaries are set and thoughts must be organised in a coherent way. Most conscious thoughts originate here.

The reality principle

Id impulses are not appropriate in civilised society, so there is societal pressure to modify the pleasure principle in favour of the reality principle; that is, the requirements of the external world.

Formation of the superego

The superego forms as the child grows and learns parental and social standards. The superego consists of two structures: the conscience, which stores information about what is "bad" and what has been punished, and the ego ideal, which stores information about what is "good" and what one "should" do or be.


When anxiety becomes overwhelming, it is the ego's place to protect the person by employing defence mechanisms. Guilt, embarrassment and shame often accompany anxiety. In the first definitive book on defence mechanisms, The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence (1936),[12]Anna Freud introduced the concept of signal anxiety; she stated that it was "not directly a conflicted instinctual tension but a signal occurring in the ego of an anticipated instinctual tension".[12]

The signaling function of anxiety is thus seen as a crucial one and biologically adapted to warn the organism of danger or a threat to its equilibrium. The anxiety is felt as an increase in bodily or mental tension and the signal that the organism receives in this way allows it the possibility of taking defensive action regarding the perceived danger. Defence mechanisms work by distorting the id impulses into acceptable forms, or by unconscious or conscious blockage of these impulses.[12]


The list of defence mechanisms is huge and there is no theoretical consensus on the exact number. Classifying defence mechanisms according to some of their properties (like underlying mechanisms, similarities or connections with personality) has been attempted. Different theorists have different categorizations and conceptualizations of defence mechanisms. Large reviews of theories of defence mechanisms are available from Paulhus, Fridhandler and Hayes (1997)[13] and Cramer (1991).[14] The Journal of Personality published a special issue on defence mechanisms (1998).[15]


In 1936, Anna Freud enumerated the ten defence mechanisms that appear in the works of Sigmund Freud: 1. Repression, 2. Regression, 3. Reaction formation, 4. Isolation, 5. Undoing, 6.Projection, 7. Introjection, 8. Turning against one’s own person, 9. Reversal into the opposite, 10. Sublimation or displacement.[16]

Both Anna Freud and her famous father Sigmund studied defense mechanisms but Anna spent more of her time and research on five main mechanisms: repression, regression, projection, reaction formation, and sublimation. All defence mechanisms are responses to anxiety and how the consciousness and unconscious handle the stress of a social situation.[17]

Repression: when a feeling is hidden and forced from the consciousness to the unconscious because it is seen as socially unacceptable.

Regression: falling back into an early state of mental/physical development seen as “less demanding and safer”[17]

Projection: possessing a feeling that is deigned as socially unacceptable and instead of facing it, that feeling or “unconscious urge” is seen in the actions of other people[17]

Reaction formation: acting the opposite way that the unconscious instructs a person to behave, “often exaggerated and obsessive.” (i.e. If a wife is infatuated with a man who is not her husband, reaction formation will cause her to – rather than cheat – become obsessed with showing her husband signs of love and affection.)[17]

Sublimation: seen as the most acceptable of the mechanisms, an expression of anxiety in socially acceptable ways[17]


Otto F. Kernberg (1967) developed a theory of borderline personality organization of which one consequence may be borderline personality disorder. His theory is based on ego psychological object relations theory. Borderline personality organization develops when the child cannot integrate positive and negative mental objects together. 

Kernberg views the use of primitive defence mechanisms as central to this personality organization. Primitive psychological defences are projection, denial, dissociation or splitting and they are called borderline defence mechanisms. Also, devaluation and projective identification are seen as borderline defences.[18]


Shame or guilt and lack of true identity lead to someone not knowing who they really are. 

Devaluation Projection and Lack of Trust in Borderline Personality Disorder
VIDEO: 10 min.

This judgement and devaluation leads to projection. All of it comes back around to how you feel about yourself. Blaming, judging and accusing others without looking at oneself, and never trusting anyone else, is part of projection, plus denial of reality. 


In George Eman Vaillant's (1977) categorization, defences form a continuum related to their
psychoanalytical developmental level.[19] They are classified into pathological, immature, neurotic and "mature" defences.

Robert Plutchik's (1979) theory views defences as derivatives of basic emotions, which in turn relate to particular diagnostic structures. According to his theory, reaction formation relates to joy (and manic features), denial relates to acceptance (and histrionic features), repression to fear (and passivity), regression to surprise (and borderline traits), compensation to sadness (and depression), projection to disgust (and paranoia), displacement to anger (and hostility) and intellectualization to anticipation (and obsessionality).[20]

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) published by the American Psychiatric Association (1994) includes a tentative diagnostic axis for defence mechanisms.[21]This classification is largely based on Vaillant's hierarchical view of defences, but has some modifications. Examples include: denial, fantasy, rationalization, regression, isolation, projection, and displacement.

Vaillant's categorization of defence mechanisms

The psychiatrist George Eman Vaillant introduced a four-level classification of defence mechanisms:

Level I - pathological defences (psychotic denial, delusional projection)

Level II - immature defences (fantasy, projection, passive aggression, acting out)

Level III - neurotic defences (intellectualization, reaction formation, dissociation, displacement, repression)

Level IV - mature defences (humour, sublimation, suppression, altruism, anticipation)


Level 1: Pathological

The mechanisms on this level, when predominating, almost always are severely pathological. These six defences, in conjunction, permit one to effectively rearrange external experiences to eliminate the need to cope with reality. 

The pathological users of these mechanisms frequently appear irrational or insane to others. These are the "psychotic" defences, common in overt psychosis. However, they are normally found in dreams and throughout childhood as well.[22]They include:

Delusional projection: Delusions about external reality, usually of a persecutory nature.

Conversion: The expression of an intrapsychic conflict as a physical symptom; some examples include blindness, deafness, paralysis, or numbness. This phenomena is sometimes called hysteria.[23]

Denial: Refusal to accept external reality because it is too threatening; arguing against an anxiety-provoking stimulus by stating it doesn't exist; resolution of emotional conflict and reduction of anxiety by refusing to perceive or consciously acknowledge the more unpleasant aspects of external reality.

Distortion: A gross reshaping of external reality to meet internal needs.

Splitting: A primitive defence. Negative and positive impulses are split off and unintegrated, frequently projected onto someone else. The defended individual segregates experiences into all-good and all-bad categories, with no room for ambiguity and ambivalence. When "splitting" is combined with "projecting", the negative qualities that you unconsciously perceive yourself as possessing, you consciously attribute to another.[24]

Extreme projection: The blatant denial of a moral or psychological deficiency, which is perceived as a deficiency in another individual or group.

Superiority complex: A psychological defence mechanism in which a person's feelings of superiority counter or conceal his or her feelings of inferiority. The inflated feelings of being superior, above the ordinary, and special, along with arrogance lead to difficulties at work and in relationships.

Inferiority complex: A behaviour that is displayed through a lack of self-worth, an increase of doubt and uncertainty, and feeling of not measuring up to society's standards. Despotic control is a compensation for tremendous feelings of inferiority, unworthiness, self-rejection and often feeling unlovable.


Level 2: Immature

These mechanisms are often present in adults. These mechanisms lessen distress and anxiety produced by threatening people or by an uncomfortable reality. Excessive use of such defences is seen as socially undesirable, in that they are immature, difficult to deal with and seriously out of touch with reality. 

These are the so-called "immature" defences and overuse almost always leads to serious problems in a person's ability to cope effectively. These defences are often seen in major depression and personality disorders.[22] They include:

Acting out: Direct expression of an unconscious wish or impulse in action, without conscious awareness of the emotion that drives that expressive behavior. (AGRP: McCarthyism, building nuclear weapons, drone attacks, assassinations, deny global warming and attacking outside of nuclear industry scientists.)

Fantasy: Tendency to retreat into fantasy in order to resolve inner and outer conflicts. (AGRP: nuclear weapons and technology will solve all problems in society.)

Wishful thinking: Making decisions according to what might be pleasing to imagine instead of by appealing to evidence, rationality, or reality.

Idealization: Tending to perceive another individual as having more positive qualities than he or she may actually have.[25] 

Passive aggression: Aggression towards others expressed indirectly or passively, often through procrastination.

Projection: A primitive form of paranoia. Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the undesirable impulses or desires without becoming consciously aware of them; attributing one's own unacknowledged unacceptable or unwanted thoughts and emotions to another; includes severe prejudice and jealousy, hypervigilance to external danger, and "injustice collecting", all with the aim of shifting one's unacceptable thoughts, feelings and impulses onto someone else, such that those same thoughts, feelings, beliefs and motivations are perceived as being possessed by the other. (AGRP: blaming victims via radiophobia, fear of Communism creates need to build 40,000 nuclear weapons, fear of anyone different triggers buying weapons.)

Projective identification: The object of projection invokes in that person precisely the thoughts, feelings or behaviours projected.

Somatization: The transformation of negative feelings towards others into negative feelings toward oneself, pain, illness, and anxiety.


Level 3: Neurotic

These mechanisms are considered neurotic, but fairly common in adults. Such defences have short-term advantages in coping, but can often cause long-term problems in relationships, work and in enjoying life when used as one's primary style of coping with the world.[22] They include:

Displacement: defence mechanism that shifts sexual or aggressive impulses to a more acceptable or less threatening target; redirecting emotion to a safer outlet; separation of emotion from its real object and redirection of the intense emotion toward someone or something that is less offensive or threatening in order to avoid dealing directly with what is frightening or threatening. For example, a mother may yell at her child because she is angry with her husband. (AGRP; a nation may build nuclear bombs, due to fear of 'Communism')

Dissociation: Temporary drastic modification of one's personal identity or character to avoid emotional distress; separation or postponement of a feeling that normally would accompany a situation or thought.

Hypochondriasis: An excessive preoccupation or worry about having a serious illness.

Intellectualization: A form of isolation; concentrating on the intellectual components of a situation so as to distance oneself from the associated anxiety-provoking emotions; separation of emotion from ideas; thinking about wishes in formal, affectively bland terms and not acting on them; avoiding unacceptable emotions by focusing on the intellectual aspects (isolation, rationalization, ritual, undoing, compensation, and magical thinking).

Isolation: Separation of feelings from ideas and events, for example, describing a murder with graphic details with no emotional response.

Rationalization (making excuses): Convincing oneself that no wrong has been done and that all is or was all right through faulty and false reasoning. An indicator of this defence mechanism can be seen socially as the formulation of convenient excuses.

Reaction formation: Converting unconscious wishes or impulses that are perceived to be dangerous or unacceptable into their opposites; behaviour that is completely the opposite of what one really wants or feels; taking the opposite belief because the true belief causes anxiety.

Regression: Temporary reversion of the ego to an earlier stage of development rather than handling unacceptable impulses in a more adult way, for example, using whining as a method of communicating despite already having acquired the ability to speak with appropriate grammar.[26]

Repression: The process of attempting to repel desires towards pleasurable instincts, caused by a threat of suffering if the desire is satisfied; the desire is moved to the unconscious in the attempt to prevent it from entering consciousness;[27] seemingly unexplainable naivety, memory lapse or lack of awareness of one's own situation and condition; the emotion is conscious, but the idea behind it is absent.

Undoing: A person tries to 'undo' an unhealthy, destructive or otherwise threatening thought by acting out the reverse of the unacceptable. Involves symbolically nullifying an unacceptable or guilt provoking thought, idea, or feeling by confession or atonement. (Catholic and other religion's confession booth; a person will confess on Sunday, but then go ahead and keep right on committing murder or genocide, because of God's will and forgiveness.)

Withdrawal: Withdrawal is a more severe form of defence. It entails removing oneself from events, stimuli, and interactions under the threat of being reminded of painful thoughts and feelings. (AGRP; many people will not talk about any subject that is emotionally difficult, including war, nuclear weapons, nuclear power, nuclear accidents, genocide, etc. They will walk away from you if you bring up the subject.)

Upward and downward social comparisons: A defensive tendency that is used as a means of self-evaluation. Individuals will look to another individual or comparison group who are considered to be worse off in order to dissociate themselves from perceived similarities and to make themselves feel better about themselves or their personal situation.


Level 4: Mature

These are commonly found among emotionally healthy adults and are considered mature, even though many have their origins in an immature stage of development. They have been adapted through the years in order to optimise success in human society and relationships. The use of these defences enhances pleasure and feelings of control. These defences help to integrate conflicting emotions and thoughts, whilst still remaining effective. Those who use these mechanisms are usually considered virtuous.[22] Mature defences include:

Moderation: The process of eliminating or lessening extremes and staying within reasonable limits. It necessitates self-restraint which is imposed by oneself on one's own feelings, desires etc.

Patience: The level of endurance under difficult circumstances (delay, provocation, criticism, attack etc.) one can take before negativity. Patience is a recognized virtue in every religion.

Courage: The mental ability and willingness to confront conflicts, fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, despair, obstacles, vicissitudes or intimidation. Physical courage often extends lives, while moral courage preserves the ideals of justice and fairness.

Humility: A mechanism by which a person, considering their own defects, has a humble self-opinion. Humility is intelligent self-respect which keeps one from thinking too highly or too meanly of oneself.

Mindfulness: Adopting a particular orientation toward one’s experiences in the present moment, an orientation that is characterised by curiosity, openness, and acceptance.

Acceptance: A person's assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable situation) without attempting to change it, protest, or exit. Religions and psychological treatments often suggest the path of acceptance when a situation is both disliked and unchangeable, or when change may be possible only at great cost or risk.

Gratitude: A feeling of thankfulness or appreciation involving appreciation of a wide range of people and events. Gratitude is likely to bring higher levels of happiness, and lower levels of depression and stress. Throughout history, gratitude has been given a central position in religious and philosophical theories.

Altruism: Constructive (selfless) service to others that brings pleasure and personal satisfaction.

Tolerance: The practice of deliberately allowing or permitting a thing of which one disapproves.

Mercy: Compassionate behavior on the part of those in power.

Forgiveness: Cessation of resentment, indignation or anger as a result of a perceived offence, disagreement, or mistake, or ceasing to demand retribution or restitution.

Anticipation: Realistic planning for future discomfort.

Humour: Overt expression of ideas and feelings (especially those that are unpleasant to focus on or too terrible to talk about directly) that gives pleasure to others. The thoughts retain a portion of their innate distress, but they are "skirted around" by witticism, for example self-deprecation. (Gallows humor is another form of this.)

Identification: The unconscious modelling of one's self upon another person's character and behaviour.

Introjection: Identifying with some idea or object so deeply that it becomes a part of that person.

Sublimation: Transformation of negative emotions or instincts into positive actions, behaviours, or emotions, for example, playing a heavy contact sport such as football or rugby can transform aggression into a game.[26]

Thought suppression: The conscious process of pushing thoughts into the preconscious; the conscious decision to delay paying attention to an emotion or need in order to cope with the present reality; making it possible to later access uncomfortable or distressing emotions whilst accepting them.

Emotional self-regulation: The ability to respond to the ongoing demands of experience with the range of emotions in a manner that is socially tolerable. Emotional self-regulation refers to the processes people use to modify the type, intensity, duration, or expression of various emotions.

Emotional self-sufficiency: Not being dependent on the validation (approval or disapproval) of others."
Daily Kos talks about how hatred, projection and violence are related in the following article, well worth reading...

Psychology Of Hatred Part II, Projection

Wikipedia; "Projective identification may take place with varying degrees of intensity.[17] In narcissism, extremely powerful projections may take place and obliterate the distinction between self and other.[18] In less disturbed personalities, projective identification is not only a way of getting rid of feelings but also of getting help with them.[19]

In an emotionally balanced person, projective identification may act as a bridge to empathy and intuitive understanding.[20]

Relationship problems have been linked to the way there can be a division of emotional labour in a couple, by way of projective identification, with one partner carrying projected aspects of the other for them.[27] Thus one partner may carry all the aggression or all the competence in the relationship, the other all the vulnerability.[28]


Fear and projection can stop a person from being their best, and accomplishing their best.

Your Own Worst Enemy - How to stop being your own worst enemy
VIDEO: 7 min.

Fear and projection of that fear onto others may also block people from seeing reality as it really is. 


Projection of one's worst fears is more often than not the root cause of wars and violence. Combine projection with, racism, xenophobia, greed and lust for power and the result is a huge pull as well as push towards war in any given country. Genocide, torture and extreme cruelty is very often found in association with projection, sociopathy and racism.

Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Speech About The Three Evils of White American Society; Racism, Militarism And Capitalism - Scientific Power Has Outrun Our Spiritual Power. We Have Guided Missiles And Misguided Men


Fear is used as a control mechanism. It is fairly easy to whip people up into a frenzy of fear and hatred, which is then projected against 'other'. 

Trumpitis Is Spreading Via Political Pathology; Disease Is Very Infectious And Virulent, Resulting in Increasing Acts Of Hatitis Crimes, Random Acts Of Racismosis, And Breakout Of Pustulent Bigotritis Plus Fearolosis, Fake News Plague

Hate Speech Laws Internationally, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Hate Speech Rules On Internet, Hate Speech Laws By Country; Does Hate Speech Deserve To Be Protected As A 'Right'?


The fear of Communism, and all of the associated projections that come out of that resulted in the formation of the CIA. The CIA is in charge of 'legal' assassinations, illegal medical experiments, wars, torture, and censorship, just to name a few of the many things that they are 'sanctioned' and given permission to do, all of it in secret of course. 


By adding religious justification that God favors one side over the other and demonizing the perceived enemy for whatever reasons, (see favorite version of specific religion's Holy Book), religion has been used as a well worn path towards not just war, but also justification for Armageddon in the future, as a positive thing. Each Holy Book justifies demonizing the enemy, (via projection), and thus also gives permission to destroy the enemy and send them to Hell, via genocide and/or Armageddon.

Bill Mayer asks some important questions that anyone in a religion should think about. Those questions are available in the movie Religulous; available at link below...

Watch Religulous Movie

Many religions have a part of the Holy Book that seems to justify Armageddon in order to hurry up the return of whatever Holy Person is being utilitized in whatever Holy Book. Almost every religion has a projection aspect that can be used to build on fear, anger, hatred and racism.. Many false prophets keep setting dates for the end of the world, and they don't come true. Armageddon is possible, but focusing on this aspect of life to the exclusion of everything else indicates an unhealthy obsession and possible mental illness. 

Armageddon Or End Of The World Belief Systems; Apocalypticism Among Christian, Judaism, Hindu, Islam, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, UFO, Y2K, Psychics, Numerology Followers, Planet X, Niburu, Chicken Little

Since the written word justifies that anyone who does not believe as 'we' do, deserves to be killed and wiped out down to the last person, which is also a form of projection. The Holy Book also projects fear and demonization onto anyone who dares to disbelieve or cast doubt on the leaders, to the point where witches are burned, dissenters are either cast out or killed, and disbelievers are 'the enemy', deserving of death and eternal Hell.


The nuclear industry grew out of World War II, and the first nuclear engineers in the US were hired by the CIA, as part of Operation Paperclip. The Nazis were projecting their worst fears onto the Jews and other 'undesirables'. Instead of dealing with their unconscious fears and the projections of those fears onto others, they decided to do mass exterminations and world war. 

After they lost the war, the CIA hired these Class A Nazi war criminals to start the nuclear bomb program in the US, Japan (Unit 731) and gave away free uranium plus nuclear power plants to other countries. The end result was the building of 400 plus nuclear power plants that would produce the 'fuel' for their nuclear bombs.

Then those same scientists had to 'experiment' on a couple of cities, to test the nuclear bombs out of course, and to put fear into the Communists, who the US feared even more than the Nazis or the Japanese. Over 2,400 of these nuclear bombs were also set off globally, to 'test' them. 

In the process of fearing the Communists and then projecting that fear out into the Cold War, which resulted in a massive buildup of nuclear weapons, and the buildup of a permanent army and the military industrial complex, plus the CIA, nuclear weapons become God. 

Since fear of Communists was paramount, all opposition to this fear had to be eliminated. This resulted in projection, which then turned into the McCarthy trials, the Unit 731 experiments, supporting sociopathic Class A war criminals, and a massive global propaganda campaign, with the CIA in charge of it. Projection resulted in the takeover of the media by the CIA and huge globalist corporations, with the profit motive combining with unconscious fears of a perceived 'enemy'. 

The negative consequence of fear and the projection of it, is what appears on TV or the mass media. TV is not reality, but consists more of a projection of all unconscious fears, the short term profit motive (greed) and the lust for unconditional power. 

God can have no faults. At the beginning of the age of fission, anything to do with nuclear or radiation was made into God. God can have no spots or blemish. Radiation was seen via the hormesis theory as being the cure for all diseases and the answer for all problems, which fits with the idea of the power of fission being God. 

God via fission has to continue projecting out into the world, much like an evangalist tries to convert everyone to a particular religion. All radiation is holy and good, so that belief system has to expand and everyone has to agree and be converted to this belief system. In turn, this meant the mass media had to be completely controlled and censored, since anything anti God (anti nuclear) was blasphemy and heresy. Anyone not believing this dogma is attacked personally and crucified in public via the mass media.

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Dr. Siegwart-Horst Gunther MD, (DU) Depleted Uranium And Dying Children Award Winning Documentary Movie, Invisible War - Depleted Uranium and the Politics of Radiation, Cancer, Birth Defects, Depleted Uranium Contamination In Fallujah, Iraq, And Europe


Whistleblowers pointing out how this cultish nuclear club is not what it appears to be is also attacked, smeared and demeaned. Anyone daring to be a critic inside the cult is immediately fired and can no longer work inside the industry, for daring to be a heretic and calling into question the belief system inside the nuclear religion. 

This 'theory' of God projected via unconscious fear into nuclear everything, meant that people suffering from radiation poisoning also had to be blamed, because radiation is good for everyone. God knows of course, that radiation from nuclear power plants and nuclear bombs cannot harm or kill. God needs sacrifices when projection is involved in this blinded nuclear belief system that acts more like a religion than it does science. As a result, millions of victims had to be sacrificed to the nuclear God of fission.  

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(WHO) World Health Organization Censored, Secretly Controlled By IAEA With Pro Nuclear Industry Control Agreement; IAEA Is Nothing More Than A Pro Nuclear PR And Marketing Firm Paid By Nuclear Industry


Covering up and denying the shame, guilt and doubts about deadly nuclear radiation and killing tens of thousands to millions of people via nuclear contamination, open air bomb tests and more, meant that projections had to appear.  Thus, radiophobia was born as a syndrome, disorder or sickness. 

Anyone who did not believe that radiation was healthy and good for you, had to be punished by God of course, via the label of radiophobia. The wrath of an angry and jealous God projected out via the unconscious fear, shame and guilt experienced by those in the nuclear industry, to form the 'blaming the victim' syndrome of Radiophobia.

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Radiophobia - IAEA Blames Victims For Cumulative Radiation Damage And Negative Health Effects; Aren't Claims That Man Made Heavy Metal Poisonous Radiation Are Harmless A Definition Of Hormesis?


Fear itself became a 'disease' which was to blame for all illnesses and deaths around nuclear accidents, DU weapons, spills and open air bomb testing sites.

Part of this dogmatic and very religious belief system that is now DEEPLY ingrained inside the nuclear industry and education system also meant that no matter how bad the nuclear accident, no one ever died or got sick from the radiation, because that is contrary to the God belief system inside the nuclear industry. 

God cannot punish people via radiation, as all radiation is good and holy, and thus cannot kill or harm anyone. Dutifully, all of the priests of this religions pronounce on the CIA controlled and censored mass media, that no deaths resulted from Fukushima, as one example of how this unconscious projection manifests.

This projection and splitting off from reality means that at least some of the participants became sociopaths. At the very least, normalcy bias and numbing was used by the nuclear industry to convince people that radiation cannot do harm, no matter what.

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Rachel Maddow - Hormesis Theory Promoting Republican Art Robinson Wants To Sprinkle Toxic And Heavy Metal Poisonous Radioactive Waste From Nuclear Power Plants Via Airplanes All Over US Cities To Improve Citizen Health


Being a sociopath inside the CIA or the nuclear industry is easy, because that is how these organizations got started in the first place, via hiring sociopaths. Only sociopaths can operate in this environment of killing and murdering people on a wholesale basis, without a second thought, while blaming the victims of it for all of the harm being done. Thus, projection and sociopathy is deeply embedded inside of the military and nuclear industrial complex, which are married together into one seamless, global unit.

Via CodeShutdown October 17, 2014 The nuclear industry apologists deny "any relationship of nuclear waste and fallout to negative consequence, illness, and death. It's criminal to force poison down your throat and then use some flippant rhetoric like "coincidence is not proof of causation" How do they debunk Mangano's epidemiology? "Any link between the deaths and the radiation released by the reactors is "very, very unlikely" simply because the levels are low, according to Richard Morin, PhD, of the Mayo Clinic" and "coincidence is not proof of causation"; nonsense words of the highest order! 

First of all, how would Mr Morin, the great debunker know what the fallout levels are since, according to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, “No U.S. government or international agency is monitoring the spread of low levels of radiation from Fukushima along the West Coast of North America and around the Hawaiian Islands.” Low level? Quantify please, its only scientific! 

The radioisotope used to kill Alexander Litvinenko is extraordinarily toxic even in quantities less than a billionth of a gram. The Maximum Contaminant Level allowed by EPA for alpha particle activity is 15 pCi/l (0.555 becquerel/l) in drinking water. In fact this level was exceeded in milk and rain water. So what are these debunkers so handily doing? Lying! Take your choice; they're ignorant and not deserving of their professional titles, or they are lying criminals."

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Ann Coulter, Forbes, Conca, Corbett Report, David Icke, Dutchsinse All Agree; Fukushima Disaster Never Happened, And/Or More Heavy Metal Radioactive Poison Is Good For You, Mass Media And Pro Nuclear Industry Hormesis Theory Promoting Propaganda


Resistance to reality, resistance of the dark side within every person, and fighting Nature is a futile, self hating, denialist centered exercise, with a very negative outcome for all involved. Projection is just one of the outcomes of refusing to explore the dark side and heal it by embracing the feared aspects of oneself.

Anything that is not sustainable, is TERMINAL, and it must collapse and disappear. It is only a matter of WHEN, not IF this will happen. Every civilization that is based on unsustainable principles, beliefs, actions and the consequences of those unsustainable actions, must disappear and fall. 

The best way out of an unsustainable situation based on fear, hatred and projection is not via lying, deception, blaming, attacking, judging, shaming, resisting or fighting, but by surrendering and opening to the deeper gift that is present in any challenge or problem. Go deeper within and get help doing that. 

The Coming Collapse
It is impossible for any doomed population to grasp how fragile the decayed financial, social and political system is on the eve of implosion.

The Trump administration did not rise, prima facie, like Venus on a half shell from the sea. Donald Trump is the result of a long process of political, cultural and social decay. He is a product of our failed democracy. The longer we perpetuate the fiction that we live in a functioning democracy, that Trump and the political mutations around him are somehow an aberrant deviation that can be vanquished in the next election, the more we will hurtle toward tyranny. The problem is not Trump. It is a political system, dominated by corporate power and the mandarins of the two major political parties, in which we don’t count. We will wrest back political control by dismantling the corporate state, and this means massive and sustained civil disobedience, like that demonstrated by teachers around the country this year. If we do not stand up we will enter a new dark age.

The Democratic Party, which helped build our system of inverted totalitarianism, is once again held up by many on the left as the savior. Yet the party steadfastly refuses to address the social inequality that led to the election of Trump and the insurgency by Bernie Sanders. It is deaf, dumb and blind to the very real economic suffering that plagues over half the country. It will not fight to pay workers a living wage. It will not defy the pharmaceutical and insurance industries to provide Medicare for all. It will not curb the voracious appetite of the military that is disemboweling the country and promoting the prosecution of futile and costly foreign wars. It will not restore our lost civil liberties, including the right to privacy, freedom from government surveillance, and due process. It will not get corporate and dark money out of politics. It will not demilitarize our police and reform a prison system that has 25 percent of the world’s prisoners although the United States has only 5 percent of the world’s population. It plays to the margins, especially in election seasons, refusing to address substantive political and social problems and instead focusing on narrow cultural issues like gay rights, abortion and gun control in our peculiar species of anti-politics.

In an open and democratic political process, one not dominated by party elites and corporate money, these people would not hold political power. They know this. They would rather implode the entire system than give up their positions of privilege.

This is a doomed tactic, but one that is understandable. The leadership of the party, the Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Tom Perez, are creations of corporate America. In an open and democratic political process, one not dominated by party elites and corporate money, these people would not hold political power. They know this. They would rather implode the entire system than give up their positions of privilege. And that, I fear, is what will happen. The idea that the Democratic Party is in any way a bulwark against despotism defies the last three decades of its political activity. It is the guarantor of despotism.

Trump has tapped into the hatred that huge segments of the American public have for a political and economic system that has betrayed them. He may be inept, degenerate, dishonest and a narcissist, but he adeptly ridicules the system they despise. His cruel and demeaning taunts directed at government agencies, laws and the established elites resonate with people for whom these agencies, laws and elites have become hostile forces. And for many who see no shift in the political landscape to alleviate their suffering, Trump’s cruelty and invective are at least cathartic.

Trump, like all despots, has no ethical core. He chooses his allies and appointees based on their personal loyalty and fawning obsequiousness to him. He will sell anyone out. He is corrupt, amassing money for himself—he made $40 million from his Washington, D.C., hotel alone last year—and his corporate allies. He is dismantling government institutions that once provided some regulation and oversight. He is an enemy of the open society. This makes him dangerous. His turbocharged assault on the last vestiges of democratic institutions and norms means there will soon be nothing, even in name, to protect us from corporate totalitarianism.

But the warnings from the architects of our failed democracy against creeping fascism, Madeleine Albright among them, are risible. They show how disconnected the elites have become from the zeitgeist. None of these elites have credibility. They built the edifice of lies, deceit and corporate pillage that made Trump possible. And the more Trump demeans these elites, and the more they cry out like Cassandras, the more he salvages his disastrous presidency and enables the kleptocrats pillaging the country as it swiftly disintegrates.

It refuses to critique or investigate the abuses by corporate power, which has destroyed our democracy and economy and orchestrated the largest transfer of wealth upward in American history.

The press is one of the principal pillars of Trump’s despotism. It chatters endlessly like 17th-century courtiers at the court of Versailles about the foibles of the monarch while the peasants lack bread. It drones on and on and on about empty topics such as Russian meddling and a payoff to a porn actress that have nothing to do with the daily hell that, for many, defines life in America. It refuses to critique or investigate the abuses by corporate power, which has destroyed our democracy and economy and orchestrated the largest transfer of wealth upward in American history. The corporate press is a decayed relic that, in exchange for money and access, committed cultural suicide. And when Trump attacks it over “fake news,” he expresses, once again, the deep hatred of all those the press ignores. The press worships the idol of Mammon as slavishly as Trump does. It loves the reality-show presidency. The press, especially the cable news shows, keeps the lights on and the cameras rolling so viewers will be glued to a 21st-century version of “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.” It is good for ratings. It is good for profits. But it accelerates the decline.

All this will soon be compounded by financial collapse. Wall Street banks have been handed $16 trillion in bailouts and other subsidies by the Federal Reserve and Congress at nearly zero percent interest since the 2008 financial collapse. They have used this money, as well as the money saved through the huge tax cuts imposed last year, to buy back their own stock, raising the compensation and bonuses of their managers and thrusting the society deeper into untenable debt peonage. Sheldon Adelson’s casino operations alone got a $670 million tax break under the 2017 legislation. The ratio of CEO to worker pay now averages 339 to 1, with the highest gap approaching 5,000 to 1. This circular use of money to make and hoard money is what Karl Marx called “fictitious capital.” The steady increase in public debt, corporate debt, credit card debt and student loan debt will ultimately lead, as Nomi Prins writes, to “a tipping point—when money coming in to furnish that debt, or available to borrow, simply won’t cover the interest payments. Then debt bubbles will pop, beginning with higher yielding bonds.”

An economy reliant on debt for its growth causes our interest rate to jump to 28 percent when we are late on a credit card payment. It is why our wages are stagnant or have declined in real terms—if we earned a sustainable income we would not have to borrow money to survive. It is why a university education, houses, medical bills and utilities cost so much. The system is designed so we can never free ourselves from debt.

However, the next financial crash, as Prins points out in her book “Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World,” won’t be like the last one. This is because, as she says, “there is no Plan B.” Interest rates can’t go any lower. There has been no growth in the real economy. The next time, there will be no way out. Once the economy crashes and the rage across the country explodes into a firestorm, the political freaks will appear, ones that will make Trump look sagacious and benign.

And so, to quote Vladimir Lenin, what must be done?

We must invest our energy in building parallel, popular institutions to protect ourselves and to pit power against power. These parallel institutions, including unions, community development organizations, local currencies, alternative political parties and food cooperatives, will have to be constructed town by town. The elites in a time of distress will retreat to their gated compounds and leave us to fend for ourselves. Basic services, from garbage collection to public transportation, food distribution and health care, will collapse. Massive unemployment and underemployment, triggering social unrest, will be dealt with not through government job creation but the brutality of militarized police and a complete suspension of civil liberties. Critics of the system, already pushed to the margins, will be silenced and attacked as enemies of the state. The last vestiges of labor unions will be targeted for abolition, a process that will soon be accelerated given the expected ruling in a case before the Supreme Court that will cripple the ability of public-sector unions to represent workers. The dollar will stop being the world’s reserve currency, causing a steep devaluation. Banks will close. Global warming will extract heavier and heavier costs, especially on the coastal populations, farming and the infrastructure, costs that the depleted state will be unable to address. The corporate press, like the ruling elites, will go from burlesque to absurdism, its rhetoric so patently fictitious it will, as in all totalitarian states, be unmoored from reality. The media outlets will all sound as fatuous as Trump. And, to quote W.H. Auden, “the little children will die in the streets.”

As a foreign correspondent I covered collapsed societies, including the former Yugoslavia. It is impossible for any doomed population to grasp how fragile the decayed financial, social and political system is on the eve of implosion. All the harbingers of collapse are visible: crumbling infrastructure; chronic underemployment and unemployment; the indiscriminate use of lethal force by police; political paralysis and stagnation; an economy built on the scaffolding of debt; nihilistic mass shootings in schools, universities, workplaces, malls, concert venues and movie theaters; opioid overdoses that kill some 64,000 people a year; an epidemic of suicides; unsustainable military expansion; gambling as a desperate tool of economic development and government revenue; the capture of power by a tiny, corrupt clique; censorship; the physical diminishing of public institutions ranging from schools and libraries to courts and medical facilities; the incessant bombardment by electronic hallucinations to divert us from the depressing sight that has become America and keep us trapped in illusions. We suffer the usual pathologies of impending death. I would be happy to be wrong. But I have seen this before. I know the warning signs. All I can say is get ready.

Republished with permission from Truthdig
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License


Seek out medical/mental health help, counseling, a 12 step group if an addiction is involved, and/or a support group. Seek out the assistance of a mental health professional. If you don't have the money, there are still resources available; seek out help locally by calling 211. 

By all means, if you are thinking of hurting yourself or others, call 911 and ask for help. or ask your medical professional for a referral to mental health classes, assistance. etc. 

Finally, avoid sociopaths, psychopaths, and energy vampires.

Keep on asking, what works for seven future generations, without causing harm? 

Then do that, but nothing else. Stop doing those things that cause harm to this and seven future generations. 


Part of birthing a new conscious involves letting go of the old that no longer serves. Old stuck emotions, trauma based memories and 'loops' of thought that all play over and over again, are part of what needs to be released. As the birth of new consciousness happens, it creates a 'pressure' just like the birth of a child involves 'pressure'. During the birthing process, a midwife can assist in this process. Many midwives are being called today, in order to facilitate the birth of a new consciousness.  

Gratitude for all emotions releases them
As you continue along your enlightenment journey, release will be a constant as you integrate higher and higher vibrating energies. We understand for many of you releasing can feel like an arduous process.

Identifying the emotion you would like to let go of is an essential part of the process, for it is the act of giving it your permission to go. To take your process to the next level, we highly recommend that you then thank the emotion as you release it.

The act of thanking an emotion allows you to take the gifts of any experience and then allow the rest to leave, knowing it no longer has anything to offer you. By fully understanding that the emotion had served you once lets you shift into a greater acceptance of why it was there, and why you can now let it go. It removes you from resistance into seeing the purpose of it all, which is the full assimilation of the experience.

Your emotions all serve you, even if you consider them to be lower vibrating. Anger can indicate that something did not honour you or others and can facilitate change. Fear allowed you to keep yourself safe and to keep your energetic sensitivities high. Sadness can show how much you cared. Shame indicates that you have learned and would handle something differently now.

Every single one of the emotions you wish to release were reactions based on who you were before, and now with your wisdom you can let them go with gratitude for their service and feedback and move forward confidently knowing you have fully assimilated the entirety of the experience. This is a wonderful act of self guidance, empowerment, and evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
via Trinity Esoterics | Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 26, 2019


TEDX; A Sustainable, Innovative, Multi Dimensional Creative Success Model That Does No Harm, Requires Thinking About Impact Of All Decisions On Seven Future Generations; Let's Create 100 Percent Literacy, Carbon Free, Nuclear Free, Chemical Free, Peaceful Future

Primer For Rainbow Warriors; Ten Green Commandments And 12 Key Sustainable Values For Neighborhoods, Cities, Towns And Nations; A Visionary Green Road Map To A Global Sustainable Future, 6 Life Quaker Life Values

The Power of Breath, Labyrinth, 7 Dimensions Of Unity And Inner Peace In Silence; Quaker Equality, Silent Meeting Format; Could It Be A Model For A Larger Direct Democracy Movement Or Revolution? Belief System Self Test

Consensus Process And How It Works; Iroquois Confederacy Grand Council, Quaker Unity, Religions, Cooperatives, Occupy Movement Success; American Spring: Occupy Wall Street Documentary

Integrity; What Does It Mean? TedX And Definition Of Integrity In Business, Voting, Elections, Politics, Keeping Promises, One Of Six Universal Human Values That All Religions And Belief Systems Teach Plus Follow


Why you feel what you feel | Alan Watkins | TEDxOxford

Understanding why you feel what you feel is one of the most important aspects of human development. After understanding comes control. When you control your emotions through vertical development, you can be more successful and happy.

"What Will We Leave for the 7th Generation?" Ann M. Wolf Honors Native Americans

Henry David Thoreau - Never Quit! Surrender To Harness The Power Of Creativity, Mystery And Change; When Failure Is Success, There Is No Stopping You And Fear Cannot Control You, Harness The Power Of Creative Brainstorming


Yellow Submarine Original Trailer - 1968 (Beatles Official)

We all live on a spaceship, or 'submarine' called Earth, which is traveling through space, on an adventurous journey, with no set destination. Where will we end up? 

March 17, 2019

The only thing that doesn't change is the subtle Substance, the eternal Presence, boundless Knowing.

We are the Source, the No-Thing, the undefined Essence, the always Here. We are Truth.

We are free, without limits, except as we imagine them.

Remember who sees, who knows, who moves, the Source of sound, of all things, the eternal I. You are That.

March 18, 2019

Truth and illusion are both Here. We can take our pick.

There's only one Substance. My body is your body. Your Mind is my Mind. We are all the Self.

March 19, 2019

I am not in time and space. The Truth is, I am time and space.

I am Here, where Knower and known meet, infinite Mind.

I am the Subject and all objects. I am Knowledge.

I am the single Self. I am You.

The eternal pulsation between Knowledge and ignorance, Unity and separation, Truth and illusion, is the Way.

There has been a time of knowing the self as the partial, instead of knowing our Self as the Whole. What time is it now?

March 20, 2019

You are the Irreducible, the eternal Substance. There is nothing outside of You.

March 22, 2019

The flowing creation is the perfect activity of the formless Creator, You. Accept every part of it.

Perfection is the Truth, whole, always present.

Know the Perfection of your Self, in every moment, including your remembering and your forgetting.

Best wishes, Dan



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Wayne Dyer - What You Think, You Become (Wayne Dyer Meditation)

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A Green Road; Teaching the Science of Sustainable Health. 

Keep asking - what works for 7 future generations without causing harm? 

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Index, Table Of Contents


TEDX; No Health Without Mental Health - Ego Based Fear, Hatred, Projection - How They Are Embedded Inside Of Religion, Military, Mass Media, Guns, CIA, Nuclear Industry And More; Part Of The Unconscious Denial Process Involved With Greed, Anxiety, PTSD, Fear And Grief Around Trauma, Loss

Disclaimer; Dr. Goodheart/AGRP is not a licensed mental health professional, nor does AGRP diagnose, cure or prescribe anything. This information is provided for your information or entertainment, because as with everything on AGRP, only you get to determine whether it is real or fake.